UKK is a professional organization for artists, curators and art mediators.


As a member of UKK:

  • You support UKK’s work to improve the field of visual art.
  • You get access to our members forum.
  • You will receive invitations to participate in our annual and general assembly with voting rights to influence the focus areas of UKK.
  • You have the right to run for a position on the board.
  • You receive invitations to UKK’s activities
  • You get free or reduced access to an extensive number of museums, art halls and cultural institutions in Denmark.

If you have graduated, please upload a copy of your graduation certificate. If you are autodidact, please upload your resume. If you are still studying, please upload a copy of your student ID.

Membership Fee

The fee is adjusted to your income before tax. Please see the model below.

Fee Income level
375 dkk quarterly, 1.500 dkk yearly income exceeding 25.000 dkk monthly
300 dkk quarterly, 1.200 dkk yearly income between 19.000 and 25.000 dkk monthly
150 dkk quarterly, 600 dkk yearly income between 9.000 and 19.000 dkk monthly
50 dkk quarterly, 200 dkk yearly students or income below 9.000dkk monthly
Organisation contact us
Donation contact us

Tax deduction

UKK is a non-profit association and therefore not covered by the tax law that applies, for example, to trade unions. However, if you have an artistic/curatorial business or a hobby business, you can probably deduct your membership fee. Read more here.